Change Log

The specification is versioned to allow for continual improvements. This page lists the changes in each version.

1.1.5 - May 9, 2024

  • Changed play money currency code from PPC to XPM.

1.1.4 - August 2, 2022

  • Added "rebuy_cost", "addon_cost", "tournament_rebuys".

1.1.3 - May 19, 2021

  • Specified that "tournament_finishes_and_winnings" should list all players who entered the tournament, and made "finish_position", "prize", and "ticket_value" optional for players who have not yet been eliminated from the tournament.

1.1.2 - May 18, 2021

  • "bounty_fee_amount" and "bounty_value_amount" updated to be explicitly optional/nullable. Tidied up some formatting and updated the Sample Sit N' Go.

1.1.1 - March 9, 2021

  • Added "bounty_value_amount" (decimal)

1.1.0 - July 24, 2020

  • Added a root object to wrap each summary and identify the type of JSON object. {"ots": <standardized_tournament_summary_object>}

  • Added "still_playing" (boolean) in <tournament_finish_obj>.

  • Added "hero_player_name" (string).

  • Added detail page for "tournament_number". Removed the 'T#' from the example tournament numbers to avoid confusion.

  • Added "tournament_name" (string),

  • Added "buyin_amount" (decimal),

  • Added "fee_amount" (decimal),

  • Added "bounty_fee_amount" (decimal),

  • Added "initial_stack" (integer),

  • Added "type" (string),

  • Added "flags" (array),

  • Added "speed" (object),

  • Added "type" (string) in <speed_object>,

  • Added "round_time" in <speed_object>

1.0.0 - Early 2020

The initial version.

Last updated